hi, i’m Shalini!

i’m currently listening to the song “who the Son sets free” by KB on repeat as i write this “first post back” and i feel like it’s my walk out song 🤣 but for real!…whether you’ve been hanging with me for years, just joining me for the ride or fall somewhere in between - i’m so glad you’re here and can’t wait to get to know you, too. i’m Shalini - rhymes with ‘colony’ - and you can call me Shal [like a shawl you wrap around your neck!] it’s a joy to be back writing…it’s been a few years.

the crux of what i’d love to leave you with today before we dive into what God’s been up to in our lives between my writing days back then and the “beginning again” era He has me in now is this: He is for you. He is with you. He has a tremendous plan for you and your life. and you can trust Him with all you’ve got. it isn’t always easy. and most of the time - in my experience - it’s been pretty messy. but messy, i’ve learned, doesn’t mean bad or wrong or impossible.

over the past few years, what’s become absolutely clear to me is this: the true freedom that you and i were created for and desire [whether we know it or not], is found in Him alone. B E L I E F is much like a muscle we have to train, isn’t it?

my hope and prayer as i begin to blog again is simply that the stories i/we share encourage you to lean further into His sacred heart. to dream big dreams and pursue them. to become the unique person He created you to be without second guessing yourself. to tell fear to go back to hell + step into your heart: COURAGE! to view the many crosses you carry and the suffering that accompanies those crosses as opportunities to come to know more deeply the heart of Christ that is for you. [even if it doesn’t always feel like it! more on that later…]

in this space, i’ll be sharing about prayer - how i’ve cultivated a relationship with God and the journey it’s been to lean deeper into trust, knowledge and love of Him. i’ll be sharing about health + wellness - my own journey, tidbits and education on how you might better care for yourself in the season you’re in. i’ll be sharing about family life - the ways in which God has led us without fail throughout our marriage and parenthood. i’ll be sharing about dreaming big - what that has looked like over the years in my own life [hello missionary life to law school grad to fitness trainer to founder of pray. train. grow. to a student again with the nutritional therapy association!]…and the ways in which God’s continuing to ask us to dream, too!

ultimately - it’s Him i’ll be sharing. the highs and lows and ups and downs of learning to trust that He is who He says He is: even in the struggle. even in the wondering. even in the confusion. even in the joys. even in the sorrows. even in the consolation. even in the desolation. and everywhere in between. it’s time to share so many of the ways in which He’s shown up for us each and every day over the past few years - whether they were low days or high ones - and the miracles that sit in between.

i’m still learning who He is…but isn’t that the case for all of us? and isn’t that our life’s work: to come to know Him more deeply so that we may love Him more deeply? and then! take that love + knowledge and share it with the world?

what i’ve learned in relationship with Him is that there’s a true gift amidst the learning Him and loving Him: we can journey through it all t o g e t h e r . we can pray for and alongside one another: through the joys and sorrows, the ups and downs - to heaven!

i’ll be honest and say that there are some hard truths coming. some hard hitting topics to chat about. some uncomfortable conversations to have.

something i’ve sat with in this time of silence is the fact that so many Catholics struggle in a variety of ways, and yet - we are too ashamed, too afraid, too insecure, too [fill in the blank] to bring ourselves - our whole selves! - into the light. how can we expect to grow when parts of us are still hidden? from Him. and even from ourselves.

i’ll admit: i think i’m going to piss a handful of people off and simultaneously remind a handful of people who God created them to be. maybe both. 🥸

it’s been a long time coming - to begin writing again. it feels good to hear the ‘click clack’ again on the keyboard in this way. i pray you feel like you’re sitting in our living room with us having these conversations.

growth is uncomfortable in general. growing into who God created you to be is a war of sorts. so let’s talk about it. and face the hard. name it and grow because of it.

for your glory, Lord - let’s do this.


i ditched my apple watch - here’s why.


welcome to pray. train. grow.